Next up: Berlin Robotics

Berlin24January 2019

A big thank you to all our sponsors!

Berlin Robotics is a great experience for our participants. So much so, that some companies from our greater region are helping to make the event financially worthwhile.

Who's speaking

Dr.-Ing. Jens Lambrecht

Dr.-Ing. Jens Lambrecht

Dr.-Ing. Jens Lambrecht, Founder Gestalt Robotics GmbH

Assigned to assist: Robots are not here to take your job

Dipl.-Ing. Michel Herszak

Dipl.-Ing. Michel Herszak

Dipl.-Ing. Michel Herszak, Software Developer

Platforms and Cloud Robotics

Werksstudent Martin Neumann

Werksstudent Martin Neumann

Werksstudent Martin Neumann, Werksstudent InSystems Automation GmbH

ROS and collaborative AGV control (CAC)

Founder Tom Weisz

Founder Tom Weisz

Founder Tom Weisz, Konzeption / CEO UNITED EXPERTS Industrie GmbH

Logistics planning - the dynamics between analogue and autonomous material handling systems

About Berlin Robotics

Whether you work on robots full time, part time, or are interested in getting involved with robots, this group is for you! Our speaker events and show'n'tell sessions will showcase the latest in new robot platforms, software, hardware and sensor technologies. We are trying to develop a strong community dedicated to moving the robotics industry forward by bringing the best robotics minds in the area together to network, brainstorm, collaborate, and take real action to execute our ideas and visions.